Installing Arch Linux on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to install Arch Linux on my Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. So I got a micro SD card from my father and went to his repairshop to find a suitable power supply for the board. In the manual guide was written that RPi 2 starts by supplying  a 5V 1.8A power and I found one and came back home.

Then I connected the microSD card along with a card reader to my laptop’s USB port and then tried to install the Arch Linux ARM on it, So I followed the installation guide written for RPi 2 on Alarm’s website.

then I sshed into the board via the command:

ssh userName@IPAddressOfTheBoard

then I installed some common packages including X server, a GPU driver, a Window Manager and xorg-xinit(to start X) by the command:

pacman -S packageName

then I connected a Monitor to the board to get a vision, well, everything was not so smooth, but functional, but web browsing was really ugly. I tried to install XFCE desktop environment, everything was working fine in XFCE but web browsing was still ugly. So then I tried doing different things but I didn’t get any result. after asking some more professional guys I figured out the problem is with the GPU driver. the official GPU driver for RPi 2 is the VC4 driver and it is not included in the Alarm’s repositories(yet). so we have to use one of “fbdev” or “fbturbo” drivers which do not provide much acceleration in video rendering.

by the time passing I installed  Bspwm window manager and Conkeror web browser(which is based on gecko) and I also built Mesa. well, now at least I get a better web browsing experience and I can open and use heavy js-included websites, but its not smooth.

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